
May 1, 2024

How to Build a Software Development Team in 2024

  • Outsourcing
How to build a software development team? Our article provides practical strategies on this topic, emphasizing key roles, effective cross-team communication, and Agile team structure methodologies. Contact us anytime for more information and support in building a software development team.

Reading time: 31 min

How to build a software development team remains a significant concern for companies in 2024.

Imagine you're a skilled software developer fully immersed in a challenging project. But there's one problem: your project managers require deep technical expertise and often lack the knowledge required for more effective decision-making. Constant inquiries for time estimates and a need for more technological know-how leaves the team demotivated and distracted.

As someone leading an effective software development team, you never want to be that out-of-touch manager. The good news is you have the power to equip yourself with tools, strategies, and project management methodology that will set you and your team up for expected results, even if you don't have an extensive technical background.

Factor Dedicated Teams will share key elements of building software development teams to deliver more consistent project success in this article. For example, embracing Agile methodologies ensures your team can adapt to changes swiftly.

Let's get started.

Getting the right project management methodologies for software engineering teams

Select one of the project management methodologies to establish a solid foundation for your management approach. In 2024, four of the most popular ones are Agile, Scrum, Kanban, and Waterfall, which have gained widespread adoption in the software development industry. The right approach depends on project complexity, team size, customer involvement, and uncertainty or changes expected during development.

To assess the strengths and weaknesses of each methodology individually, let's review the table below:

Project management methodologyDefinitionStrengthsWeaknesses
AgileA dynamic project management approach entails breaking the project into distinct phases while strongly emphasizing continuous collaboration and improvement.- Flexibility and adaptability.
- Encourages collaboration between cross-functional teams, customers, and stakeholders throughout the project focus.
- The Agile team has short cycles, known as sprints or iterations.
- Popular frameworks within Agile team development include Scrum and Kanban.
It may require experienced Agile teams and customer involvement.
ScrumAgile's specific project management system thrives on the power of incremental software development.- Structured framework.
- Continuous improvement. The project is divided into fixed-length iterations called sprints, typically lasting two to four weeks. During each sprint, the team meticulously plans, executes, and reviews their work.
- Roles such as Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team are clearly defined.
- Daily stand-up meetings to facilitate cross-team communication and ensure everyone is on the same page regarding progress.
Relatively rigid roles and processes.
KanbanAnother Agile methodology visualizes workflow and limits work in progress (WIP).- Flexibility.
- It employs a Kanban board that represents the various stages of the software development process, with each task represented by a card moving from one stage to another.
- Kanban is particularly effective for teams with continuous workflow, varying priorities, and short cycle times.
May lack detailed software development team structure and predefined roles.
WaterfallA more traditional, linear approach to software development that charts a course as a sequential process cascades through every project phase.- It adheres to a sequential flow, with each project phase (requirements, design, development, testing, deployment) being completed before moving on to the next one.
- Once a phase is completed, it leaves little room for revisions or changes, making it less flexible than Agile methodologies.
Waterfall works best for projects with well-defined requirements and minimal changes expected during software development.
Limited room for changes and customer feedback.

By analyzing these methodologies, you can make an informed decision and choose the one that best aligns with your project's requirements and the dynamics of a successful development team. But remember that you can always opt for a hybrid approach, combining several methodologies, such as Agile and Waterfall, for different phases. This allows you to leverage the strengths of each method and tailor your project management process to suit your software engineering team. Flexibility and adaptability in choosing a hybrid approach can lead to greater success in your business strategy.

Agile software development team structure

Agile is the most popular and practical approach to building a software engineering team. Let's explore five types of Agile teams that can take your projects to new heights:


This image shows five types of Agile teams.

  • Generalist Agile team: The Generalist Agile software development team (or product team) is a versatile force where every team member can handle various tasks. This type excels in well-understood projects and diverse roles.
  • Specialist Agile team: Each team member possesses unique skills in the Specialist Agile team. They deliver high-quality work in specific domains like software development, testing, and data analysis. Managing workload is essential to avoid idle resources. Best suited for larger teams requiring diverse specialized skills.
  • Transitioning Agile team: Such a team structure gradually adopts all classic Agile principles. Guidance and support are crucial in this learning curve. Running sprints by discipline can aid the transition. While it may extend delivery timescales short-term, it ensures a more Agile team long-term.
  • Parallel Agile team: The team rotates roles per sprint, fostering cross-training and versatility. Managing this dynamic structure requires careful planning. Suitable for experienced Agile teams seeking new challenges or unique client demands.
  • Agile Product Sub-team: In large organizations, this type of Agile software development team structure focuses on specific areas of a larger project. They contribute to the overall deliverable while collaborating with other teams. Seamless hand-offs ensure a cohesive workflow across the project. Effective when Scrum is implemented organization-wide.

An Agile team structure has specific characteristics that enable a successful software development team to perform well. First of all, Agile teams are typically composed of 4 to 10 members. This size allows for effective collaboration and communication, ensuring everyone's contributions are valued and integrated into the project. An Agile team structure comprises diverse professionals, including a team lead or tech lead, product owner or customer, project managers, business analysts (BAs), developers, designers, testers, quality assurance (QA) experts, and other stakeholders. Each member brings their unique expertise to the table, fostering a holistic approach to problem-solving.

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This image shows factors that affect the Agile development team structure.

We also can encounter a hybrid team structure, which bridges the gap between specialists and generalists, making it a versatile and adaptable force. The hybrid team structure has gained popularity, especially among startup co-founders seeking maximum effectiveness.

Pros of hybrid teamsCons of hybrid teams
- Effective software devolopment process.
- Well-balanced team composition.
- Communication gaps between people with distinct approaches.
- Time-consuming and expensive.

Project management software

Project management guides developers through the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), helping them achieve their goals without serious threats and delays. Whether you follow Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, or Kanban, project management software is valuable for managing your whole team.

Project management software streamlines your team's efforts, ensuring every project aspect is well-organized. You can boost productivity and create a collaborative effort when implementing responsibilities.

Let's explore essential components of project management software that can transform how you manage your software development team:

  • Task and project planning: Create detailed project plans, set milestones, and allocate tasks to team members. This feature enables managers to have a clear overview of progress and deadlines.
  • Collaboration and communication: Facilitate seamless communication and cooperation among team members. Project management software often includes chat, messaging, and file-sharing capabilities. It allows you to keep an effective software development team accountable.
  • Gantt charts: Visualize project timelines and dependencies using Gantt charts. This visual representation helps in identifying critical paths.
  • Resource management: Efficiently allocate resources, including team members, time, and budget.
  • Time tracking and reporting: Keep track of time spent on tasks and generate detailed reports on project performance.
  • Risk management: Identify and manage potential risks throughout the project, ensuring proactive problem-solving.
  • Document management: Centralize project-related documents, ensuring easy access and version control for every team member.
  • Integration and customization: Many project management software solutions offer integrations with other tools and services.
  • Mobile accessibility: Access project information and updates on the go.

Agile software development team structure

At Factor Dedicated Team, we believe in the power of a united software development team, working together towards a common goal: creating outstanding software solutions.

Before we begin any project, we ensure each team member knows their specific area of expertise. Our own team consists of experts who handle various tasks like discovering product ideas, gathering requirements, designing, developing, testing, deploying, and managing the project.

The number of team members and their roles can vary greatly depending on the project's size and requirements. We typically assign three to ten members to each team, carefully selecting from a list of skilled software specialists.

We analyze each team member's roles and responsibilities to ensure that every aspect is covered. This step-by-step approach helps us select the appropriate model for dream team building, providing successful projects from start to finish.

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This scheme showcases a typical software development team structure.

Project manager (PM)

A project manager (PM) oversees everything, from planning to delivery.

Key roles and responsibilities of a project manager include:

  • Scheduling, hosting, and documenting project meetings.
  • Providing the team with the necessary resources for their work.
  • Monitoring the software development team's performance.
  • Keeping customers and stakeholders updated on project status.
  • Building relationships between customers and company departments.
  • Identifying team goals and ensuring software requirements are met.
  • Managing risks and resolving conflicts.
  • Fostering communication and motivating the team.

Business analyst (BA)

A business analyst (BA) is an essential member of the team, bridging the gap between customer business needs and the software development process.

Here are the responsibilities of business analyst:

  • Conducting market research and analyzing target audience demands.
  • Gaining a deep understanding of business processes from various perspectives.
  • Gathering and preparing comprehensive business requirements.
  • Planning and documenting detailed business requirements.
  • Analyzing and modeling business requirements for the development team.
  • Implementing project changes if necessary.
  • Conducting acceptance testing to ensure project success.

UI/UX designer

A skilled UI/UX designer is a master of two vital aspects in their field: user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. UX designers meticulously consider the entire user journey within the product, ensuring optimal functionality. In contrast, UI designers take on the graphic design aspect, responsible for crafting the captivating and aesthetic elements of the software solution.

Let's delve into the distinct responsibilities of UI and UX designers:

Roles and responsibilities of UX designersRoles and responsibilities of UI designers
- Conduct in-depth user research.
- Design a well-structured information architecture.
- Create wireframes and prototypes.
- Describe user stories and behaviors.
- Develop user personas.
- Conduct thorough usability testing.
- Create an intuitive and visually pleasing design that captivates users from a graphical perspective.
- Develop engaging graphics, including logos, and skillfully select visuals like colors, fonts, and an overall style.
- Design navigational elements such as search fields, icons, footers, and headers..

Software developers

Developing software solutions relies on the expertise and dedication of software developers. A well-rounded software development team consists of front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers, each bringing software requirements to life.

Main requirements of front-end developersMain requirements of back-end developersMain requirements of full-stack developers
- Focus on creating the user-facing part of the application, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.
- Write website code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, incorporating various multimedia elements to enhance user engagement.
- Ensure the website's accessibility across different platforms and conduct tests to fix any potential usability issues.
- Handle the application's logic and functionality, ensuring a seamless and secure operation.
- Troubleshoot and debug applications, conduct UI tests to optimize performance, and participate in the application's entire lifecycle.
- Expertise in programming languages like Java, Ruby, PHP, and Python.
- Handle front-end and back-end tasks.
- Collaborate with clients to design the website's overall look and feel.
- Write code using various programming languages, maintain and modify websites, and incorporate multimedia elements.

Software architect

In any software development team, the role of a software architect is paramount. As a key team member, the software architect is responsible for crafting the entire system or product's architecture under development. This critical role involves envisioning the overarching application architecture, making crucial decisions on how services and databases should interact, and ensuring seamless integrations, all while prioritizing security and stability. Additionally, the architect actively defines the most suitable technology stack and project estimation, setting the project up for success.

The main responsibilities of software architects encompass several aspects:

  • Designing a high-level software architecture.
  • Selecting appropriate tools and platforms.
  • Setting up code quality standards.
  • Performing code reviews.
  • Controlling the process of software development.

QA engineers

QA engineers are responsible for testing the product for usability, performance, functionality, and security. They find and report bugs, ensuring the product is ready for release.

Their responsibilities include:

  • Creating test scenarios.
  • Running manual and automation tests.
  • Ensuring the application performs according to requirements.
  • Identifying and reporting functional and non-functional defects.
  • Conducting regression testing to verify bug fixes.
  • Performing load and performance testing to assess application scalability.
  • Validating security measures to safeguard against vulnerabilities.
  • Collaborating with developers and other team members to resolve issues.
  • Generating comprehensive test reports to communicate findings to stakeholders.
  • Participating in continuous improvement initiatives to enhance testing processes and methodologies.

Team Lead

A tech lead ensures the technology team works as expected, bridging business management and software development.

Some team lead roles and responsibilities in software development include:

  • Assuming responsibility for the technical aspects of the project.
  • Implementing effective code standards and procedures.
  • Designing and structuring the project to meet core requirements.
  • Aligning technological strategies with overall business goals and objectives.
  • Providing technical guidance and mentorship to the development team.
  • Evaluating and recommending appropriate technologies and tools.
  • Ensuring the project adheres to best practices and industry standards.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to understand project needs and constraints.
  • Monitoring project progress of the professional team and addressing technical challenges proactively.
  • Facilitating communication between technical and non-technical team members.

Tips on how to manage a software development team

A thriving software development team doesn't happen by chance. It requires active involvement in various critical aspects of building a software development team and management. An integrated development environment is also a central issue. Here are the fundamental steps to hire software development team and ensure your team's success:

Equip your team with the necessary tools and appropriate environment

Focus on equipping your team with the right tools and creating a comfortable work atmosphere to boost their success. Your software development team uses their soft skills at work while you ensure a stress-free workspace. Don't overlook their well-being. Neglect or an unclear career progression plan can lead to burnout and stress. Provide essential tools and resources, like technology for growth and mental health support.

By prioritizing these aspects, you can ensure the team focuses on delivering results.

Remember about attentive listening and proactive communication

In the role of a manager, mastering the art of two-way communication is central. Active listening is key to comprehending the project's progress from your software development team's perspective.

Ask pertinent questions like:

  • What tasks were accomplished?
  • Did the outcomes meet expectations? If not, why?
  • How can we enhance the process?

Furthermore, adopt a proactive approach to communication by regularly checking in with individuals and teams without waiting for requests. Display a genuine interest in each team member and department, fostering meaningful connections that build strong relationships. By doing so, you'll strengthen collaboration and improve overall team dynamics.

Invest in enhancing team communication for optimal results

Improving communication goes beyond simple questioning. To promote communication without challenges in your successful software development team, follow these steps:

  • Define roles and goals.
  • Encourage questions.
  • Embrace mistakes.
  • Host retrospective meetings.
  • Provide feedback.

Prevent exhaustion and burnout

Don't give your team too much work or set unrealistic goals. It can lead to burnout, and overall productivity can plummet to the basement.

Be considerate when assigning projects, and don't burden them with too many tasks simultaneously. Long-term projects can be challenging, so make sure they have the support and resources they need to stay motivated. Remember, mental health matters as much as technical skills – happy developers are more productive and creative.

Managing high-performing software development teams: Final words

Select the right software development team structure and manage your staff with confidence. By strategically allocating resources, we ensure that each team member's skills are put to optimal use, leading to successful projects. Embracing the Agile approach means achieving quicker product delivery without compromising quality, time, or budget.

At Factor Dedicated Teams, we know how important team roles are. Our unique structure combines modern principles with personalized approaches for each client, valuing senior engineers and specialists who excel in their respective fields.

We are here for you if you need a successful software development maintenance team or staff for developing projects. With us, you gain access to expertise. Whether you have questions or want to discuss your upcoming project, our team will help – reach out to us today.

Frequently Asking Questions

How do you structure a software development team?

You should organize and define roles and responsibilities. Here's a typical software development team structure:

  • Project manager/team lead: You should appoint a project manager or team lead to oversee the project. Their role would involve coordinating tasks, setting project timelines, and ensuring everyone on the team remains on schedule.
  • Front-end developers: For web or user interface development projects, you might require front-end developers who focus on creating the software's visual elements and user experience.
  • Back-end developers: Back-end developers handle behind-the-scenes functionalities – server-side operations, and database management.
  • Quality assurance/testers: QA testers must ensure the software meets quality standards.
  • UI/UX Designers: Most software development teams create projects involving a user interface. That’s why UI/UX designers work closely with front-end developers.
  • DevOps engineers: DevOps engineers are responsible for managing the development process's infrastructure, deployment, and automation.
  • Scrum master/Agile coach: If you follow agile methodologies, such as Scrum, appoint a Scrum Master or Agile Coach to facilitate the team's adherence to agile practices.
  • Product owner/client representative: If you are working on a client project, designate a product owner or client representative who will communicate the client's requirements to the team.
  • Documentation specialist: A documentation specialist ensures that project documentation, such as technical specifications and user manuals, is up-to-date.
  • Technical lead/ software architect: For larger projects, a technical lead or architect may provide technical guidance, review code, and ensure the software's overall architecture is sound.
  • Support/operations team: For post-release support, consider having a dedicated team to handle customer inquiries, bug fixes, and software maintenance.

What is a build team in software development?

A build team is responsible for converting the code software developers write into a format that computers can understand and run. They compile the code, manage dependencies, and automate the build process to save time and reduce errors. After each build, the software development team ensures the correct code versions and tests the software. Finally, they package the software for distribution and deployment to end users. The build team plays an important role in turning developers' code into a working product that people can use.

How do I create a startup software development team?

To create a startup dedicated team:

  1. Define project scope and required skills
  2. Determine team size and roles
  3. Hire talent with passion and expertise
  4. Improve team communication
  5. Provide necessary tools and resources
  6. Set clear goals
  7. Empower team members to make decisions
  8. Promote continuous learning and development
  9. Maintain a positive work environment
  10. Consider remote talent if suitable
  11. Stay agile and adapt to changes
  12. Manage finances wisely
  13. Build strong relationships with the team and partners.

What is a high-performing software team?

It is a group of software engineers who consistently deliver exceptional results in their complex projects. Here are several key characteristics of such teams:

  • Expertise and technical skills: High-performing engineering teams consist of skilled and experienced professionals. They stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in their field.
  • Goals and vision: The development team has a shared vision and well-defined goals for each software project.
  • Continuous improvement: They seek ways to optimize their development process, learn from past experiences, and look for opportunities.
  • Adaptability: These technology teams are agile and adaptable to requirements, timelines, and technological changes in future projects. They can quickly respond to challenges and adjust their approach to deliver desired results.
  • Quality: A focus on delivering high-quality software solutions is ingrained in the team's work ethic. They adhere to coding standards, conduct thorough testing, and prioritize user satisfaction.
  • Efficient project management: High-performing teams are skilled in project planning and execution to maximize productivity. They deliver projects on time and within budget while maintaining quality.
  • Creativity: These development teams are innovative and open to exploring new ideas. They seek solutions to problems and embrace experimentation to find better ways of doing things.

How do you manage a small dev team?

Managing a small software engineering team requires, first and foremost, clear communication and supportive leadership. Set achievable goals and empower team members with autonomy. Lead by example and offer regular feedback. Allocate resources based on strengths. Encourage skill development through training. Embrace agile methodologies for flexibility. Prioritize work-life balance and celebrate development team successes.

What are 3+ core principles for software development team management?

Here are three core principles for software development team management:

  • Communication: Clear and open communication is vital for team management. Encourage transparent communication channels within the software development team, where members can share updates, concerns, and ideas freely. Regular team meetings, such as daily stand-ups or sprint planning sessions, help keep everyone aligned and informed about project progress.
  • Empowerment: Trust and empower team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work. Provide them the autonomy to solve challenges and contribute to the project's success. As a project manager, be supportive and offer guidance when needed, but avoid micromanaging.
  • Continuous improvement: Foster an environment where team members are encouraged to expand their skills and knowledge. Provide opportunities for professional software development, such as training sessions, workshops, or attending industry conferences.

What are the team lead roles in IT?

Team leads are the true driving force behind successful software development teams. Their roles are not only important but indispensable in achieving project excellence. As managers, they expertly navigate the tasks, timelines, and deadlines. By doing so, the team lead ensures everything runs smoothly, as expected.

But we should emphasize that it doesn't stop there. Team leads go above and beyond, empowering their team members with technical expertise and support. They stand by their side, guiding them through challenges.

Team leads are the master communicators. They foster a collaborative culture, ensuring everyone is on the same page and moving in sync toward the ultimate goal.

Essentially, team leads are the link that binds the engineering team and stakeholders together. They provide regular updates, ensuring transparency and alignment so everyone can feel progress.

The role of a team lead transcends far beyond project management.

How much does it cost to hire a dev team?

Offshore developers' rates may vary greatly based on location and team structure. Hiring a dedicated software development team can cost $5,000 to $25,000+ monthly. Factors like team size, skill sets, and additional roles impact the cost. Balance technical project goals and budget for successful outcomes.

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